An emulator is a piece of hardware or software that produces a virtual environment, simulating some other equipment and operating system (usually one that is old and obsolete). EmuZWin is a Windows emulator for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum series, computers that were very popular in the 1980s. This program will bring up some nostalgia in people who were fans of those systems.
The application accurately reproduces the Spectrum environment. Screen resolution, computing power, commands, colors, behavior, are all exactly the same like they were in the original equipments.
There are many emulators available on the Internet these days but this one is special, even though it’s not so popular. It has a long list of tools: printer simulation, converter to 256 colors, debug window, assembler, map builder and some others. A very surprising feature is “Net Play” which allows you to create a multiplayer game over the Internet.
EmuZWin runs smoothly, without any problems under normal circumstances. However, if you mess around with too many settings, too fast, an occasional error or crash may occur (it’s weird that even the crashes are extremely similar to the ones that happened on the Spectrums; they are triggered by similar causes, they garble the display in the same way). If this problem, along with a sound issue, didn't exist, this application would have been perfect.
The fact that this program is totally free is really surprising.